Saturday, December 15, 2007

interested in Jewish Christianity?

I felt the need to direct y'all's attention to Euangelion (Joel Willitts's and Mike Bird's blog) for Joel's new series of posts on Jewish Christianity. He's blogging through Jewish Believers in Jesus: The Early Centuries by Skarsaune and Hvalvik. It should be fun!


Michael F. Bird said...

Nice new blog! Finally get to see what your pretty face looks like too. Give Joel and his babies a big hug for me if you see them. If vocals is your thing then check out the guy Rhydian who came 2nd in the UK version in X-Factor just last night. His voice is unbelieveable.

hrobins said...

Thanks for your comment! I feel so priveleged to know that you've looked at my blog.=) Unfortunately, the semester ended Friday with a blessedly short commencement (choir has to sing at those, so I get to see them all!), so I won't be seeing Joel until January. However, I will pass on your love ASAP.