Sunday, March 30, 2008

california part four

Oh, goodness. That first day was a doozy! But, I have to say, the next day was even more taxing.

So, Saturday (03/08) we flew in to California. Sunday, we sang three services and sat through the sermon twice. That was a rather uneventful but still exhausting part of the day. Then we had four gloriously free hours after lunch to spend on the church's campus. This particular church (Peninsula Covenant) had a HUGE campus, complete with "community center" which contained an outdoor pool! YAY! So I went swimming for the first time in forever and then sat on a lounge chair for a good two hours doing NOTHING. Note this--it doesn't happen often and is a cause for celebration. Not only did I do nothing, but I wasn't even thinking about what I should have been doing. I just sat. *sigh*

That night we sang our first concert to a very small, sad audience. Our audiences would be very similar to that throughout the week, but that really didn't bother me all that much. Having more people just makes me more tired!

I think that's really it for Sunday. Oh, and my host "mom" had her grandson over and he was fixing all of her stuff for her. He spent the whole weekend at his parents' house down the street (he's college-aged) and sacrificed all of his time to work on his grandmother's house. Anywho, this considerate young man also happened to be georgous...too bad his lives two thousand miles away!!


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