Ten things that made me smile this past week...that went by amazingly fast!
1) Melissa's bachelorette party was hilarious and fun. We embarrassed her good!
2) I was, among Mel's friends, obviously one of the more...shall we say, edgy? It's a strange adjective to ascribe to myself since I don't normally feel that way, but I did around them. They were cute. The point is, it was a bit of an ego boost.
3) The wedding was beautiful and I smiled so much that I cried right before I was supposed to sing, causing me to sniffle during the rests...tee-hee.
4) Seeing mountains again. Yay, Colorado Springs.
5) When I came home, my favorite kitty, Siam, greeted me rather enthusiastically. It certainly warmed my heart.
6) My house mum helped me to fully discover Ravelry yesterday and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
7) Last night, I went to vespers for the first time in months. I love liturgy on Sunday, but it's so good to go to church during the week as well to be reminded to pray. When we sang "O Gladsome Light" I was grinning from ear to ear--St. Basil in the 300's wrote that he didn't even remember when Christians started singing that text!
8) Apparently my upcoming chrismation was discussed by the parish council on Monday...yay!!!
9) I plan to spend this afternoon relaxing. The prospect makes me smile.
10) Siam fell down the stairs last night because she had been perched on top of the new package of toilet paper trying to eat it. Toilet paper eating fail.
Hi guy! Kisses Follow u
They have Vespers in Chicago! That's great! They have Vespers where I live too and I'm overjoyed to hear that the Lord can provide such wonderful fellowship no matter where you are.
a nice week!! wish you happy always!!
w0w!! your blog is so nice.
I love itXD
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a nice week!! wish you happy always!!
really like your blog. its always the little things that make us happy :)hope next week is just as good for you..
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10 things morning? :)
Even if you do not get this, I'll leave a comment anyway, since I found your blog looking through random blogs.
I see last year you were preparing for Chrismation. I hope everything went well. My family and I recently converted at the end of 2009. God grant you many years!
It is a shame that the few that you anticipated to read your blog are in fact a good many. I by chance came across your thoughts in my wanderings around the internet eating my jumbo wheat thins and partaking in Havarti Cheese and I wonder from your last post to now where are you? I hope that your life is well and that in this grand adventure that we are all on that you have had some good lessons some much needed reality checks some bad experiences (because even through those they teach us to grow and to become better people) and I hope that in your existential side that your faith and inner peace have become deeper in the year that you have gone MIA on your blog. From what you have written you are an interesting soul to know as it would have been nice to have met you.
Good article, Very nice blog!
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