Thursday, December 31, 2009

a whole month of...

I always have trouble with this month off. It's not quite enough time to really relax and get bored enough to be motivated to do something meaningful, and it is certainly too long to keep up what's left of last semester's energy. I suppose that's alright, seeing as I had no energy remaining from last semester (though dropping Greek improved the situation magnificently).

That being said, I feel it is appropriate to share with you my goals for this holiday and said goals' current status:
1. Rest-- Yes! This one has been going quite well. I sleep at LEAST eight hours a night, but usually quite a bit more, and spend most of the day resting. I'm saving up for next semester.
2. Read a bunch-- Not so much. The teensy bit of reading I've done has not even been on my list.
3. Knit/Crochet my eyes out-- Yes! My hands hurt from all the knitting I've done.
4. Assess freshman essays--Well, I haven't worked on this yet, but it does actually need to get done. It's my job. I'm starting tomorrow.
5. Memorize senior recital repertoire--ACH!! NOT DONE! I don't wanna talk about it...
6. Stay warm-- Not happening. I'm hoping that my landlords realize the huge mistake they've made in installing electric baseboard heaters, repent, and turn on the radiators! We'll see. (fingers crossed!)

So, not too bad. However, the important ones (4 and 5) have not been moving at a satisfactory pace as of yet. Soon! ;-)


Cindy said...

Dropping Greek usually heals all ailments.

On the plus side, 72 days until I come visit you!

hrobins said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited! I'm definitely having you over to my place for a drink or cookies or something. =) Slash, we should hang out whenever you can. I can't believe it's January!