Friday, August 1, 2008

okay, what happened??

I know I say this all the time, but I simply canNOT believe how fast time flies!! Seriously! Okay, my last post was Tuesday and I said something to the effect of, "Okay, guys, I'm moving back to school in eleven days"...guess what--it's FRIDAY. Late Friday. And Monday and Tuesday I'll be in Michigan, and then Wednesday I'll be up at school helping the girls move in (two of whom will not be present for the entire move, leaving me and one other roommate to "finish up"), which basically leaves me four days to get all of my crap together. Here's what's left:

*finish a solid draft of the plagiarism workshop so that I can have a 'usable' draft by the 10th
*prepare a timeline for the CREW kickoff rally thing in five-minute increments
*finish the last seven books of Augustine's Confessions
*pack everything I own
*decide what's coming to the city with me on Wednesday and what can stay until Saturday
*find out how much money I need from the Threshold budget to buy poster-making supplies
*create some sort of schedule for Compass week so that I can work both jobs...

Don't get me wrong, folks--I'm totally not complaining!! I'm actually very excited to have made it to August alive and not completely bored (in fact, rather enthused about life in general), and also with all of my sanity still intact. God has definitely preserved me and my joi de vivre this summer, and he just continues to surprise me (see Tuesday's post on what I learned at Carol's). I'm just sayin' that time just whizzed by me much faster than I had anticipated, and now I'm paying for it!! Here's to time management!


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