Thursday, July 3, 2008

where there are books, there's reading!

I cannot BELIEVE how much reading I've been doing this summer. My goodness! And as I think back on what I have read so far, I realise that C.S. Lewis dominates the list. Our fabulous book club is reading his Space Trilogy, and I've just finished the second of those, and I'm re-reading the Chronicles of Narnia since I now have a much better understanding of Lewis since the last time I read them (oh, about eight years ago). I have two books left in the Chronicles, and I'm expecting to read The Great Divorce along with The Last Battle (a method recommended to me by my friend Josh). Oh, and I read Till We Have Faces. So altogether I've read six beautiful stories by C.S. Lewis out of twelve (thirteen?) books that I've read just since school let out in May. I love summer reading.

I have also read so far: Three Views on Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism (ed. Gundry, including a chapter by our very own Brad Nassif), 40 Days Living the Jesus Creed (our very own S. McKnight), Becoming Orthodox (Gillquist), Lilith (MacDonald), Praying With Icons (Forest), Adam (Dekker), and The Orthodox Veneration of Mary the Birthgiver of God (St. John Maximovitch). I am currently reading Augustine's Confessions, Jesus of Nazareth (Ratzinger), Theology of the Body (Pope John Paul II), and A Bird's-Eye View of Paul (Michael Bird).

Yummy. I hope this keeps me busy for the rest of the summer...


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