Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I love getting packages in the mail. There's nothing like ordering a textbook for far too much money, and then waiting long enough to forget about it, then suddenly it appears! And then you get to open the boxes or the envelopes and see what's inside. I've had quite a few packages this semester since many music professors are loath to post the required textbooks, therefore the bookstore doesn't know we need them, therefore we must order them...I had to order one book that's less than two hundred pages, paperback---it was almost sixty dollars. For a PAPERBACK! But I was still happy when it showed up!

Basically, this post was inspired by my roommate--she walked in this afternoon with a rather large pile of packages. She got three of the same textbooks that I've already received for our Baroque Music History class--yes, three. Actually, one of the "three" is a 6CD set, the first volume of two. And one of the books is also the first volume of two. So, we don't even have all of the books that we will eventually need for music history! Both of us are now the proud owners of "A History of Western Music," "The Norton Anthology of Western Music Vol.1," and "Norton Recorded Anthology of Western Music Vol.1."

Yesterday I did receive some packages myself--my business cards finally came, and they are absolutely georgous! And they were free plus shipping and handling. And I designed them myself. Yay! Also, my little "Singing in French" paperback appeared (which cost me fifty dollars for 215 pages) and my printed Anthology of Western Music. I'm still waiting on a Scot McKnight book...hopefully it will come soon!


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